The number of reasons that we love Brookside are too numerous to actually count, but here are 3 more reasons why we love Brookside and why you will too! Put simply: The Shops. Today we highlight 3 neighborhood favorites that you really should stop by to a visit!
- The brand new Red Door Grill – The first Red Door started across the state line and was a
culinary hit from the start, so we were super excited to welcome Red Door Grill’s second location here to the heart of Brookside! Locally owned and operated, Red Door Grill is committed to community and they show that by the locally sourced ingredients they prepare their delicious meals with and the local providers they partner with. Red Door offers a great environment for most any occasion and considers themselves “an upscale neighborhood joint.” Definitely another reason to love Brookside!
- Here in Brookside good food isn’t only available for humans. Brookside Barkery and Bath boasts Kansas City’s largest selection of all-natural pet foods and products for dogs and cats of the family. They are passionate about “better health through better nutrition” and care for each pet’s individual needs. Your pet will love the service from the Barkery’s friendly and knowledgable staff. Want to really pamper your pet? Check out their wonderful Pet Spa! Do what’s best for your best friend, stop by for a visit on your next walk through Brooksde and pick up some tasty treats – your pet is sure to fall in love with Brookside too!
- All of Brookside’s shops are pretty darn charming, but one of the mostunique is The (New) Dime Store. A throwback in time, this dime storebrings back the wonder and nostalgia of an old-fashioned variety store that truly has it all! Various iterations of the Dime Store have been an
essential and beloved part of the Brookside community since 1941 – and The (New) Dime is no exception – a store where you can still find just about anything you need just when you need it most. Stop in for something you need – and fall in love with something else you just can’t do without! Always worth making a special stop,come take a peek into a charming part of the past and we guarantee you’ll find an essential part of your future trips to the Brookside shops for many years to come!
The Brookside neighborhood is a little bit of old, a little bit of new, and a whole lot of charm. Stop in and visit the iconic Brookside Shops, have a drink on a patio, chat with neighbors and stroll down the wide, tree-lined sidewalks. And while you’re at it, stop by 9 West 63rd Street – the home of Brookside Real Estate to find out how you can make this special neighborhood your home neighborhood.